Pride Season Shipping Update

Hey friends! 

We're working our @$$es off to get your orders out to you as fast as possible. As of today (June 6th) we're currently around 3 day handling period between your order and us shipping it out.

We're also trying to prep for Indy Pride on June 8th, so tomorrow (Friday, June 7th), we'll be setting up our booth in the afternoon instead of fulfilling. 

How do you get your flags faster?

If you need your order QUICK, select faster shipping at checkout. Anything that is via UPS will automatically pop to the top of our stack and we'll get to it first. So if you want to have your order jump to the top of the stack, that's how. 

Sorry for the delays. We're doing much better than last year on keeping up, but this time of year always tests our capacity. 

Thanks for your patience!

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